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Save the Children USA

Corporate partnerships strategy for child protection in agriculture

Save the Children is the leading expert on childhood and a global NGO, working in more than 100 countries to improve child health, education and protection. The Food & Agriculture team works with private and public sector partners covering 10 crops in 8 countries to solve the root causes of child labour affecting smallholder agriculture communities around the world.

For the Food & Agriculture team, I worked closely with senior leadership to develop their corporate partnerships strategy. This included the development of a visibility plan, running a hybrid side event at the International Labour Organisation conference and supporting the development of a public-private partnership platform for cocoa in Indonesia. Additionally, I laid the groundwork for acquiring new private sector partners by developing thematic position papers on climate, gender, child labour, and prospect research. I worked closely with in-country teams and technical advisors around the globe to develop project material for private sector partners.

child protection | business development | corporate partnerships | smallholder agriculture

Peg Willingham 
Senior Managing Director 
Food and Agriculture Partnerships 

«Margreet has worked closely with our senior leadership to develop Save the Children’s food and agriculture corporate partnerships strategy. Her experience, expertise, and strategic thinking were critical to laying a strong foundation. Working with Margreet has been a pleasure. A seasoned professional, she is a self-starter and works independently. We have enjoyed her open and charismatic personality, which also facilitated her productive relationships with others in our organization.»